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Organic grown Moringa flower sourced and shade dried

Moringa Flower 500mg Capsules - 60 pills

Артикул: MFPC
    •  Moringa flowers helps in the increased milk production in nursing mothers.
    •  Increases the activity of prolactin in producing milk along with improved sleep duration for the baby.
    • Treating edema. 
    • Supports for Fighting against bacterial diseases.
    • Supports Treating mood disorders.
    • Protecting the liver.
    • Boosts Immune System : Moringa Flower contains vitamin A, a healthy mineral that boosts the immune system.
    • Remedy For Eye Problem : Moringa Flower can improve the moisture content in the eyes and cure some eye problems.
    • Brain Health : Moringa  flower powder capsules with milk morning and evening, May helps to stimulates the memory power and may avoids the memory loss problem.
    • For Diabetic Patient : If they take Moringa Flower Powder capsules on regular basis it may helps to control their diabetes issues.

A Moringa value-added products company located in Theni, western ghats of Tamil nadu.

Presenting wide range of moringa products.

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NO.797/2B2, Uthukadu road, Cumbum - Pudhupatty, Theni District, Tamil Nadu, 625 556

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